Hlcaluminium -aluminium composite Panels Manufacturers
With the continuous progress of the times, the decoration style is constantly updated, and the decoration materials are constantly being updated. Aluminum -plastic panels are one of the materials commonly used in our current decoration. Consumers can understand the aluminum plastic panels before buying aluminum plastic boards to understand whether aluminum plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic plastic. What are the benefits of the board and what are the thickness and color of the aluminum plastic board? It undoubtedly brings convenience to the purchasing journey. The benefits of aluminum plastic boards are a new type of decorative material. Compared with other decorative materials, they have many unparalleled superiority. The reason is that aluminum -plastic boards are a high -tech product. Whether it is production or application, it contains high technical content.
Many advanced processes have been adopted in production to ensure the full play of material performance. On the other hand, because aluminum -plastic boards are a composite material. Through composite, many new properties that the original components are obtained: 1. Rich color and strong decorative: The layer of aluminum -plastic boards can be made into various types. In the same color, carry out pattern design that matches all uses. The curtain wall decorated with aluminum plastic panels is not inferior to the gorgeous glass curtain wall and elegant stone curtain wall.
Under the sun, its level is gorgeous and dignified, and at the same time avoid light pollution. 2. High surface flatness: Aluminum -plastic boards are produced by continuous thermal composite production process. Therefore, compared with a single material metal plate, the surface flatness is high, especially large -sized plates are more obvious. 3. Small quality: Aluminum -plastic plates are composed of plastic core materials with relatively small density, so compared with aluminum (or other metals) with the same rigidity or the same thickness, their quality is small than glass and stone. The quality is much smaller.
4. Good rigidity: Aluminum -plastic boards cleverly use the mechanical principles of the steel structure, clever hunger to give it unique mechanical properties. Compared with single -layer aluminum plates, its elasticity limit is large, it is not easy to produce deformation. Under the natural state of large external force, it can maintain good flat performance for a long time. 5. Good durability: Aluminum -plastic plate uses metal and core materials thermal composite technology, which is firmly bonded. The surface coatings are selected from different materials according to the different use environment. Generally, three types of coatings are used , Acrylic coatings, of which fluorocarbon coatings have better weather resistance, and are mostly used in curtain wall decoration and specific occasions. Test studies have shown that it can be used for more than 20 years in harsh outdoor environments. 6. Good processability: Aluminum -plastic plates are composed of aluminum and plastic. It is easy to process cutting, punching, digging, bending and other processing. It can be processed with aluminum or woody processing equipment.
Therefore, not only can be processed in the production plant, the proposed composite board can be processed on -site. 7. Excellent fireproof performance: In the aluminum -plastic board series, the fire -resistant aluminum plastic board uses a newly developed core material. This core material is filled with inorganic filling. Standards can meet the requirements of construction regulations. 8. Good cost characteristics: Aluminum -plastic plate production adopts pre -coating continuous coating and continuous thermal composite process of metal/core materials. Compared with ordinary metal veneers, production efficiency is high and the cost of raw materials is a good cost characteristic. It is a good cost characteristic. s material.
9. Koordinasi lingkungan anu saé: bahan intuminium sareng bahan inti plastik di panél alumarinyak anu ditinggalkeun 100% kanggo reglemen, sareng beban lingkunganana rendah. 10. Paké anu saé: Papan Aluminium Salian hiasan tina témbok cutture, témbok internal sareng jalan gawé internal, restoran, toko, ruang akur. Doard aluminium Mésér Pupna Aluminum -PfatyP -Ptast nyaéta kode hiasan anyar pikeun indoor sareng luar. Upami mésér sareng nganggo papan aluminum, anjeun kedah milih spésifikasi jam-papan aluminium, warna tina dewan aluminium alumunium, sareng warna urutan. Salaku tambahan, anjeun tiasa ngaidentipikasi kualitas saluran alumusi ku ningali, coba, tilepan, anu ngaduruk, sareng netes, sareng netes.
Spésifikasi lemps aluminum-spumimeum, ketebalan lempeng aluminum anu aluminum-aluminium-aluminium-(mm): panjang: 100000, 350, sareng sajabana: jsb. 3, 4, 6, handapeun 4mm umumna dianggo di jero rohangan.
Diantarana, ukuran 1220 * 2440 nyaéta papan standar. Salaku tambahan, kanggo ukuran khusus, éta tiasa adaptasi numutkeun syarat palanggan. Konpaatan-laporan-influasum aluminum ngagaduhan rupa-rupa tina panét alumaras-klumét, variétas lengkep, sareng warna beunghar. Anjeun tiasa milih numutkeun hobi pribadi, atanapi anjeun tiasa nuturkeun naséhat profesional. Numutkeun gaya panékaman imah, warna konvensional tina daut pluminum kalebet: walnnn, walnut hideung, walnut hideung, walnut hideung. Mirik emas emas mekar, tepi coklat, beureum India, Mora NWRECIAN, houo emas, héjo héjo, bodas, bodas , belet, belet, belet, belet, belet, belul, belul, lampu bel, bodas, bodas, Bodas, Bodas, Bodas, Bodas, Bodas, Red Kopi, pariwara konéng, Orky, telekomunikasi Orchidikasi Orchid, Bah. deet Lan, Xuqinglan, jangkungna semue, emas beureum , pérak lera teras-terasan. Naon anu nyababkeun papan aluminium? Discoloration sareng discolorasi aluminium aluminium utamina disababkeun ku seleksi supapan anu teu leres.
Dokinasi plastik aluminium dibagi kana pancuran indoor sareng piring rs di luar. Jajé sisir tina dua plattak béda, nangtukeun yén kaayaan anu berlaku béda. Permukaan anu dianggo di kamar biasana nyemprot pengiriman resol dina permukaan. Paput ieu henteu tiasa adaptasi ka lingkungan alami anu parah di luar. Upami éta dianggo di luar, éta sacara umum bakal ngagancangkeun prosés saré sareng nyababkeun disegol. Hasilna, labah aluminium dipaké dina rreaning anu serius disegol séri sareng disuskorasi.
Kawah, aya seueur merek aluminum ieu di pasar, dicampur lauk, téks, sareng kualitas produk anu henteu anggup. Sareng kusabab struktur khusus, konsumén sacara umum pikeun hese ngabédakeun kualitas internal produk. Pikeun tungtung ieu dina waktos ieu, tunyaan metodeu idéféktisifikasi di handap ieu: 1. Tingali naha anu lempeng plastik aluminium lemes, teu nyeusian, asinét, di bumi. 2. Diantared naha papan aluminium-aluminium nyumponan syarat internasional. Dewan témbok batin nyaéta 3mm sareng papan témbok luar nyaéta 4mm. 3. Bagian panel plastik aluminium sanés bahan pe atanapi diusir pikeun ngajantenkeun palsu.
4. Beri tengah panel plastik aluminum-, leal anu nyata kasebar lengkep, sareng anu ngaduruk palsui ngagaduhan najis. 5. Nalika slot rencana anu bengkok, tingali upami payun rusak. 6. Titenone ngaganggu témbok lampu pelacuran fluorocarbon, panulis lempeng témbok jero témbok tinimbang anu sanés saatos 5 menit kanggo ningali.
Pikeun pikeun pilihan merek aluminum-nyebarkeun, anjeun tiasa ningali kana merek. Kualitas produk na saé, nganggo syarat teknis maju, ngahargaan produk anu luhur. Éta bisa ditingali yén papan alumarium ngagaduhan seueur mangpaat. It is quickly favored by people with its economy, optional color diversity, convenient construction methods, excellent processing performance, excellent fire resistance and noble quality. Sapanjang jinis wangunan anyar ti taneuh, henteu hese milarian ngambel di tengah.
Tungtungna, predam waspada nyagaduh milih milih milih papan anu sasar pikeun ngarobih kana spésifikasi basa alumimum, sareng ngalakukeun idéntitas anu pas.